The cause of the civil war in Liberia can be traced to many factors, partly owing to unresolved Ethnic and Political differences; however, most of the major underlying factors that fueled the war were persistent Greed and Corruption.
Let's elevate the debate about Justice in Liberia, a lingering concern among Liberians, as the nation progresses towards total reformation.
In February of 2006, The Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission was established, with a mandate to "promote national peace, security, unity and reconciliation" by investigating more than 20 years of civil conflict in the country and to report on gross human rights violations that occurred in Liberia between January 1979 and 14 October 2003.
Since the close of the TRC in 2010 and up date, many Liberians, out of desperation and frustration, owing to poor memories of war, have been calling for a WAR CRIMES COURT, or a Retributive form of JUSTICE. They expect that to be the most satisfactory means to appease victims of the Civil War and their lost loved ones. However, reasonably enough, many have forgotten to go beyond wartime experiences and personal sentiments to ask pertinent questions, especially about things that would lead toward Long Term Justice, Peace, and Development.
Retribution is proposed as one of the mandates and also part of the recommendations of the TRC, but, is that the most preferred solution? Why did that Cavers of the TRC choose to suggest more then 3 to 10 possible actions, as contained in its mandate? I can tell you; it is because, our international partners and experts who designed the program of the TRC and those who sat in at a round Table during the Accra Peace Agreement knew that every or any action should be guided by Liberia's context, and must focus on Sustaining Peace, Reconciliation and National Healing. Therefore, the main goal of the Liberian TRC was to dispel falsifications and misconceptions of the country's past socioeconomic and political development, provide a forum to address issues of impunity and allow victims and perpetrators of human rights violations to share their experiences, thereby creating a clear picture of the past and facilitate genuine healing and reconciliation.
It is worth noting that i, like many others, do believe, within the context of our National History, the Strains, Causes, and Effects of our war, RESTORATION, instead of RETRIBUTION, is the perfect way to facilitate genuine HEALING AND RECONCILIATION as anticipated by the Accra Peace Accord in 2003.
In a study conducted by - Root Causes of War in Liberia; Liberians most frequently identified Greed and Corruption as the causes of the conflict (63%). Another 40% mentioned Identity and Tribal divisions, while less than one in three adult Liberians mentioned poverty (30%), and inequalities (27%).
As you can see, the above data clearly shows what Liberians and Liberia need to ensure sustainable Peace and Development. Even if we remove all the 98 persons named in the TRC recommendations, Corruption and Greed remain prevalent in the country. Over 60% of Liberia's problems will continue to persist. On the other hand, targeting people, most of whom are already socially, Morally, and Politically integrated into society will only open further opportunities for retaliation and hate and possibly degenerate the country to its ugly past. If you do a realistic, none sentimental telescope through Liberia, the very names and personalities that would pop up in your mind when talking about retributive justice or War Crimes court, are all already making a massive contribution to the Liberian society, and are running Businesses and Employing fellow citizens, Some are carrying out social empowerment and healing programs, empowering youths and communities. I like to name just few;
- Hon. Prince Y. Johnson - has not only transformed by becoming a preacher, but he has become the leader of grassroots voices and plays a key role in our body politics. Hon. Johnson also runs an Educational Foundation that is benefiting several Liberians in Monrovia and has launched a construction of a 36 classroom modern Vocational Academy in Nimba in 2015.
- Prophet Joshua Milton Blahyi , formerly General Butt Naked, has since been a commissioned servant of God and is now the President of the End Time Train Evangelistic Ministries Inc., with headquarters in Liberia. He currently runs a charity that he says is training former child soldiers and drug addicts in farming and construction.
Even though, Prophet Joshua Blahyi was not recommended for persecution, but how many of us know this? If you scan through the list of those recommended for prosecution, will see that, most of them, as a matter of our nation's recent past....have done great strides to help the transformation of our society already; names like Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, former President, Hon. Isaac Nyenabo, current Ambassador to EU, Ambassador Dew Mason, Toga Mcintosh Gaywea etc. If Retribution was intended to correct wrongs and reprehend people, i suggest that most of them have paid the price already by their Leadership, Actions and Life as examples. They have shown no sign in anyway, that may suggest that if not reprimanded...they could lead us back to our past. Moreover, the direct causes of violence has to do more with structural deficiencies that allows greed, corruption or inequalities to persist and eventually lead to conflict. This is why we must focus more on designing mechanisms to continuously study and address these root causes instead of staring up our past to hunt us.
We must congratulate President George Manneh Weah for steps already taken in his first 30 days, to especially identify and deal with trends of mismanagement, waste and inequality in our governance. Despite of the huge expectations, once the president remain consistent on his Pro-Poor Agenda, and deliver as he dreamed 12 years ago, Liberia and Liberians will experience sustainable HOPE. The Liberian president made immediate visits to Health facilities, slashed his own salary and promised the construct a modern health facility. His recent official trip to France is well on path to attract millions of dollars in budgetary support and possible investments in the infrastructure and human capital development. Liberia will be well on path to noth only economic transformation and development, but will also engender healthy environment for peace and reconciliation. Happy People are Peaceful people.
Now back to the subject of Justice for Liberia, as it relates to our dark days of war; particularly, recent calls on the government by an International Human Right group; the Human Rights Watch. While we all anticipate “JUSTICE”, it is important to seek so carefully, choosing wisely what TYPE, WHEN or HOW to proceed. Whatever decision we make now, from this all important democratic transition will not only set the pace for the much anticipated transformation of our political climate, but would also affect impact our peace and development…either negatively or positively.
I like to look at the two form of JUSTICE Systems mentioned above.
- A RETRIBUTIVE Justice will punish the offender in proportion to the crime he committed.
- A RESTORATIVE Justice will improve society by improving the offender.
As stated early; contextually and the need for a considerate sustainable solution; clearly, the two scenarios above suggests that, Liberia's prefer need is to ably improve our society through the improvement of the offenders and that is only provided for by way of the PALAVA HUT system as provided for in among the TRC recommendations.
The administration of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has already laid the ground work, by setting up and launching the Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INCHR). The National “Palava Hut” Program (NPHP), a conflict resolution mechanism common to rural Liberian communities with cultural and traditional orientation has also been launched by INCHR and is based on truth telling, atonement and reconciliation by providing a platform and space for both victims and perpetrators to meet and tell their experiences, resolve their war-induced differences and foster peaceful coexistence. The PALAVA Hut is the the sole and realistic pursuit of a people-driven and peopled-owned national reconciliation and peace-building process, as envisaged by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and captured in the Strategic Roadmap for National Healing, Peacebuilding and Reconciliation.
My opinion on this subject therefore, is that Liberia currently need “Restorative Justice…..instead of Retributive Justice. I am calling on the Weah Administration, to immediately work with already existing Peace-building structures, the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and its follow up deliverables; in addition to recommendations of Human Rights institutions, to design a comprehensive mechanism that will encourage and promote more Peace, Reconciliation and Development.
Retribution, while necessary, has no immediate impact on the lives of the afflicted........but Restoration, Reconciliation, and Development will do. Restorative Justice brings Unity, Reconciliation will ensure peace of mind and Development will transform lives. At our age and generation, we must think critically and evaluate our actions, to ensure lifelong and sustainable outcomes. Liberia’s current context calls for nothing more than rapid consolidation of efforts and the safeguard of our national Unity.
I like to note here that, I was a child prior to the Liberian civil crisis, I have seen terrible things and walked through horrific shadows. I lost love ones, my elder brother, my small brother and sisters. Of all my days as a refugee, I knew this, felt it and lived with the pain. I overcame them with courage; and most importantly throughout the decades i lived in exile, my focus was on the opportunities I sort, to see another day, to live, school and grow up to a day that I would BE A CHANGE so that my past never returns.
Like every other Liberian, my return to Liberia in 2006 was a step forward to realizing my dream. Interestingly, for my past decades… was never RETRIBUTION, nor a WAR CRIME COURT that helped me to stand tall above obstacles. Back in Monrovia, I did not go looking for people who kill my brother or sister, to ensure they go to jail or die, as a means of providing for my tuition to University. Instead, it was perseverance, connection and assistance from fellow Liberians. It could be possible that the very people who stopped and give me ride on my way to the University of Liberia may have been someone who either participated, related to, or was involved with the killing of my relatives; who knows. The point here is that…”it wasn’t Retribution that made me who I am today”, instead, it was what i did at the time and the people who are alive and around me and with the space and opportunity provided through Peace, a free and healthy society.
Retribution will do just one thing, appease the dead…... however, it will leave many blemishes and again create another line of hate, and strive among citizens, generations after the other. If you killed my father, and I jailed you…..your son or daughter will certainly not be happy, he or she will retaliate in some way, either on myself or on my children and the circle continues. Let’s HEAL our past, CONFRONT the present and PREPARE for the future through Restoration and Development.
Restorative Justice repairs the harm caused by crime. When victims, offenders and community members meet to decide how to do that, the results can be transformation.
I have worked in Liberia since 2006 to 2016, designing programs, meeting, working for and with both children, youth and their caregivers. I can certainly assure that, Liberians do not need RETRIBUTION as the ultimate JUSTICE or as a preferred option for transforming their current circumstances and lives.
If we do a Cost and Benefit analysis, looking back at some of the reasons i have already stated; we will realize that it is more beneficial to MOVE LIBERIA FORWARD from where we stand, rather then start a process that will not cost us a lot of resources, but would open another trend of psychological wounds and increase anger and hate.
Just to note, the International Crime Court has 34 judges, over 700 staff, and has an annual budget of $166 million. If you even divide that by 10, you will need about 16 Million USD for example to run a War Crime Court in Liberia per addition to the Psychological and social damages already mention.
- The cost of initiating process for War Crimes court could be equated immediate amounts needed to pay for emergency medical bills for Liberia languishing at various health facilities as we speak.
- The cost for setting up a War Crimes court could be equated to refurbishing and even building extension to our State own Universities to accommodation more students and even improve their facilities and services.
- The Cost of paying a War Crime Court judge or providing a shared resource facility for 1 year could be equated to paying over 500 nurses and even providing those with addition professional training in specialize fields.
- The Cost of bringing one War Crime suspect to book…includes payment and accommodation of witnesses and judges could be equated to revamping the agriculture sector and providing farm implements for our farmers to cultivate more yields and fed the nation. And we can go on, and on, and on.
While we accept calls and recommendations, and should continue to review them, I insist, we must focus on what is immediately necessary;
- Let’s fix our road networks, so farmers can transport their goods.
- Let’s provide electricity and water, so our people in rural Liberia can feel a bit of good life before God call them.
- Let’s create an enabling environment, so that our children going to school can recognize and value education as a necessity.
- Let’s empower our youth to inspire creativity and innovations.
- Let’s build our infrastructures, built industries and empower local businesses
- Let’s invest in our systems of governance and human resources to make them more effective and cut waste and mismanagement.
It is important to stress finally that the Strategic Roadmap for National Healing, Peace-building and Reconciliation designed with support from UN Mission in Liberia and partners, provides a more effective framework; it provides a coherent strategy and coordination framework, to organize the multiple government and civil society initiatives on peace-building and reconciliation. This, in addition to a relentless Pro poor Agenda and actionable deliverables, will foster coherence systemic and human resources revitalization to foster national healing, reconciliation and ensure sustainable peace and development.
It is only by then, that Liberia and Liberians will feel reconnected, rejuvenated and experience the TRUE JUSTICE THEY DESERVE...!